Working Groups
prevention research
A research group that aims to identify, evaluate, improve and disseminate the best prevention policies and practices for child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) internationally.

Global Foundational Research on Harms to Children in the Digital World
A research group, with a broader focus, that aims to utilise Prof. Caffo’s wide academic network to survey current research being conducted on CSEA, to identify gaps in the foundational understanding of where, why, how and when CSEA occurs and to fill these gaps in knowledge the dissemination of new research.

Building Global Awareness
A communications working group that aims to raise global awareness of CSEA and its impact through a focused and multifaceted PR strategy, created and run with the support of Harvard PR.

Building a Multi-Faith Coalition to Protect Children in the Digital World
This group aims to call to action religious leaders from all faiths at all levels, to raise their awareness of the prevalence and severity of CSEA internationally, using their moral influence within their communities to safeguard children from abuse and exploitation.

Protecting Children from Internet Pornography
A “lobbyist” group that aims to use of the momentum of the now-postponed UK Age Verification Law to create comprehensive AV laws in every country in the world.

Technology and Its Impact Upon Children
A combined research and “lobbyist” group aims to identify online and technology harms to children, use technological innovation to offset these abuses, and persuade tech companies to invest in these solutions, whilst promoting a ‘safety by design’ approach for startups and new products of established tech companies.